Beyoğlu’nun En Güzel Abisi(Midi Boy) - Ahmet Ümit Everest Yayınları indir

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Beyoğlu’nun En Güzel Abisi(Midi Boy) - Ahmet Ümit Everest Yayınları indir

Beyoğlu’nun En Güzel Abisi(Midi Boy) - Ahmet Ümit Everest Yayınları ücretsiz indir

Yılbaşı gecesi işlenen bir cinayet. Tarlabaşı’nın arka sokaklarında bulunan bir erkek cesedi. Öldürülmüş erkeklerin en yakışıklısı,belki de en kötüsü. Karanlık sırların ortaya çıkardığı utanç verici bir gerçek. Gururlarının kurbanı olmuş erkekler, onların hayatlarını yaşamak zorunda olan kadınlar. Bu cinayetler yatağında, bu kötülükler bahçesinde,bu insan eti satılan can pazarında masumiyetini korumaya çalışan bir adam. Bir zamanlar İstanbul’un en gözde yeri olan Beyoğlu’nun hazin hikâyesi. Karanlık. Soğuk havayla iyice ağırlaşan bir karanlık. Uzaklardan şarkılar geliyor kulağına, neşeli kadın çığlıkları, ayarını yitirmiş sarhoş naraları, smoke küfrediyor belki ana avrat, belki ağlıyor smoke hıçkıra hıçkıra, belki smoke sesizce ölüyor bu gürültünün, bu hengâmenin ortasında. Umurunda değil. Hepsinden sıyrılmış, sadece öfke. Nereye gitiğini bilmeden yürüyor,nefret tarafından kuşatılmış olarak. Kıskançlık denen in camera canavar, çelikten pençesine almış yüreğini, habire sıkıyor. “Kadınlar,” diyor bir ses zihninin derinliklerinden. “Kadınlar, onlarla oynayamazsın. Oynadığını zanedersin ama bir de bakmışsın, asıl oyuncak sen olmuşsun. ” Hayatına giren kadınların yüzleri beliriyor sokağın zemininde. Birer birer düşüyor görüntüleri ayaklarının dibine. Hepsinin boynu bükük, hepsinin gözlerinde keder. Hepsi üzgün. Aldırmıyor, bir su birikintisiymiş gibi basıp geçiyor üzerlerinden ama yeniden düşüyor görüntüler zemine. “Kadınlar,” diyor in camera ses yine, “Kadınlardan asla kurtulamazsın, hayaletleri hayatın boyunca seni takip eder. ”.

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Beyoğlu’nun En Güzel Abisi(Midi Boy) - Ahmet Ümit Everest Yayınları torrenti indir

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  • Dil: Türkçe
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  • Fiyat: 12,90 TL

Kitap eleştirileri

Beyoğlu’nun En Güzel Abisi(Midi Boy) - Ahmet Ümit


Dead on Delivery by Eileen Rendahl Paranormal Romances –March 1st, 2011 4 ½ stars Dead on Delivery has an indefinable charm that makes reading this series addictive! It is the second in the Messenger series and can easily be read as a stand alone. Melina Markowitz has a special gift. After a near death experience changed her life when she was a child. Now she can sense the supernatural. She is also stronger and heals faster. But due to these skills she has the ‘honor’ of being a special delivery person or messenger for the supernaturals. And if she doesn’t do her job there are consequences. But trouble lurks as two young men she has delivered packages to suddenly die. And although she did not kill them she feels responsible. Soon Melina uncovers a plot that involves dangerous witches. She must ask help from her cop boyfriend, Ted Goodnight and the rest of her friends. And Melina will need all the help she can get because it appears that she is to be the newest target. Melina is the perfect heroine. Sassy and fun but with tough side that takes care of business! This story was exciting as Melina investigates a case that has many twists and turns. Melina also has had a lot of changes in her life and she struggles to come in terms with them. This makes her very relatable and sympathetic character. But not only is the heroine fun to read but I really enjoyed the supporting cast in this series because they all have their own quirkily personalities and care for each other. While Melina might have problems in her life her friends and love life are not a part of them. I liked this because it made the book feel like a warm family. Sometimes books have so much angst and pain it is nice to read a story where characters get along and support each other in crisis. I especially enjoyed the strong and realistic relationship between Ted and Melina. This is perhaps the best part of the story. I loved how they interacted, teasing each other and their conversations were delightful to read. They were a real couple. This story features great mystery and cool paranormal characters. But the best thing about it are the loving and supportive cast and the indomitable heroine. Reviewed by Steph from the Bookaholics Romance Book Club

2022-09-02 00:18


Mary is a girl full of dreams. Raised from birth with her mother’s stories of the world before the Return, and of places like the ocean. Unfortunately those dreams must come to an end as she is forced to pick between life in the Sisterhood or marriage to her true love’s older brother. Her life seems to be in a shambles when all she really wants to see the world beyond the Forest of Hands and Teeth. The Sisterhood holds true to the idea that there is nothing beyond the forest by the dead that dwell in its shadows. But the Gabriel comes to the village, and every is going to change. A really interesting turn on the whole Zombie Apocalypse story line, this world takes place around 4 generations after the Return so that is a big difference from most books. I enjoyed it!

2022-08-30 03:53

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Beyoğlu’nun En Güzel Abisi(Midi Boy) - Ahmet Ümit Everest Yayınları torrenti indir

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