
Nick Brown Brown itibaren 46041 Castellaro MN, İtalya itibaren 46041 Castellaro MN, İtalya

Okuyucu Nick Brown Brown itibaren 46041 Castellaro MN, İtalya

Nick Brown Brown itibaren 46041 Castellaro MN, İtalya


Bu iki figür patencisinin dokunaklı bir biyografisidir. Sergei Gordeeva bir gün buzda kalp krizinden öldü ve bu karısının dokunaklı aşk ve kayıp hikayesi.


My uncle gave me this for my 7th birthday.


An enjoyable enough read that pokes fun at the perception of good and evil. Nice light reading for when you need a break. If you like Pratchett you'll like this too.


Read this in one day, doesn't happen very often. It deserves 4 1/2 stars