Halim Demir Demir itibaren 美國華盛頓里弗羅德邮政编码: 98382
I stumbled over this - entirely by accident - yesterday morning while going about my regular weekend bookstore crawl. You know how it is, you're heading towards the cash register with your selections and something catches your eye and before you know it, you're shelling out your hard earned dough for a straggler. This book is the horrifying story of a Midwestern girl who goes to New York City to make it big and finds the only job she can find is peep-show stripping. With horror one reads her descent into a state of emotional numbness & detachment - laced with anecdotes that shock - and sometimes amuse. It is a door swung open to reveal a very different world from the one I live in - and for sheer, brutal honesty it just can't be beat. I couldn't put it down! I'll definitely be on the lookout for her next book!