
Jocelyn Falardeau Falardeau itibaren Waterford, NY 12188, USA itibaren Waterford, NY 12188, USA

Okuyucu Jocelyn Falardeau Falardeau itibaren Waterford, NY 12188, USA

Jocelyn Falardeau Falardeau itibaren Waterford, NY 12188, USA


3.5 Stars. I absolutely love the SoT series with Goodkind bringing to the fore all that brilliant energy, philosophy on life, and strong characters that one cannot help to love and admire. I have to admit that The Omen Machine does hook you, with the surprise of it starting from where Confessor leaves off. I commend Goodkind as he creates a new dastardly villain right out of the stuff of nightmares; previous villains were deadly, but here Goodkind definitely steps it up some notches. I hate to have to admit that in general I was slightly disappointed. Nevertheless, as Richard is the Seeker of Truth, among other things,(to quote from the book) it should not be just to "fault" someone "for speaking the truth." I have to agree with some of the reviewers that there was a bit of repetitiveness, which might not have been needed (to those who have read it, reference to - Henrik and Kahlan's delusions). I was also surprised by the error where, it seems the place he was referring to was switched - the Palace of the Prophets is written, where I'm assuming he meant the People's Palace (when mentioning the devotion). However I was most disappointed with the ending, it almost seems too cruel to end there; although I hope that the reasoning will fit with my assumptions. Despite the fact that in general the book was not what I expected, being a loyal devotee of Richard and Kahlan I am glad to have participated in this adventure with them. Goodkind still brings forth the lessons we should learn about life- which is shown to be a goal in each of his books; they are there if and when you dig deeper. The Omen Machine may not be exactly up to par with the rest of the books, but I still enjoyed it, and hope that a resolution of the course taken will be fast approaching. To leave you with a few words from the book: "Your only chance is to let the truth escape"