
Luciano Matias Lo Medico Matias Lo Medico itibaren Berzo Inferiore itibaren Berzo Inferiore

Okuyucu Luciano Matias Lo Medico Matias Lo Medico itibaren Berzo Inferiore

Luciano Matias Lo Medico Matias Lo Medico itibaren Berzo Inferiore


This was a cute and fluffy book. Being the Greek mythology nerd that I am, I was bound to enjoy it no matter what. Phoebe drove me nuts from the get-go though - "oh this boy is horrible to me and treats me like crap, I think I love him!" Ugh, so sick of that angle in young adult novels. I'll probably read the 2nd one just because, but I'm not anxiously awaiting it.