
Junior Diaz Diaz itibaren Wakefield itibaren Wakefield

Okuyucu Junior Diaz Diaz itibaren Wakefield

Junior Diaz Diaz itibaren Wakefield


:'( oh god... i love jace...


Julia Cameron is the primary figure in my Inspirational Saints of Writing, because of this book. The message running throughout the book is that writing is not a special task that only certain people can do - writing is just communicating, which is a basic human need. Just try, Cameron says, and I sure am.


A great book to read when you're going through changes or traveling, or just want to sit back and wonder what it's all about. I found it a bit trite, but it's meant to be a simple allegory that's quick and digestible, though not terribly memorable.


Good book. It took me awhile to read because of life getting in the way. When I stick with a non-fiction book for awhile, I'm happy with it


Great book...


Ever impatient to find out the ending, I read this part of the two part biography first. Reads like a proper tragedy. Those people who reckon they could have sorted Elvis out over a nice cuppa are totally mistaken - the guy was a pure mess.