
Nah itibaren インド ビハール クンディア itibaren インド ビハール クンディア

Okuyucu Nah itibaren インド ビハール クンディア

Nah itibaren インド ビハール クンディア


I've never read any Sedaris before, though I've heard much about him, and since this was the only work of his that the library had in stock, it seemed as good a place as any to start. There are a couple of very funny pieces here—the one about the Dutch Santa Claus, his brother the Rooster, and the final one about the mouse, in particular, both had me giggling out loud—but there are more than a few which feel half-finished and lacking in context. There was little to pull the stories together other than Sedaris' sense of the absurd; but that was finely, and wryly, observed, and made this collection worth the read.


Neverwhere is my favorite Gaiman book. It may have something to do with how I was introduced to it - my roommate and I read it, chapter by chapter, as a "bedtime story" to our downstairs neighbors over a semester our sophomore year of college. A story of a normal guy who stumbles into an unreal world below the streets of London, Neverwhere is magical and a great read.


Read this if only for the scene where the family has to move house because they are so embarassed that their children festooned the windows with gardlands of condoms.


Im seriously getting worn down and bored with the series. The story line has been put on the back burner all for the sake of making the book like 90% sex scenes. I hope this book will be alittle different otherwise I wont be able to finish the series.