
Milan Lerios Lerios itibaren Hyde Lea itibaren Hyde Lea

Okuyucu Milan Lerios Lerios itibaren Hyde Lea

Milan Lerios Lerios itibaren Hyde Lea


Book Synopsis A John Pritkin short, available for free on Karen Chance’s website and "Shadowland" is a novella set between Curse the Dawn (Cassie Palmer #4) and Hunt the Moon (Cassie Palmer #5). It should be read after "A Family Affair". * Contains spoilers for the first four Cassandra Palmer books. My Thoughts As usual Cassie is in need of being rescued, John Pritkin is his brooding self and the entire action packed chain of events goes by at lightning speed with bits of background here and there to bring readers up to speed and at the same time leave them open to what is still to come. My thanks to the author for incorporating the reference to "Die Hard" when Cassie emulates John McClain's famous "Yippee Kiyah MF" as she narrowly saves her own bacon at the end of the story! One giant sugar laden treat coming up as a thank you from a very grateful John puts the proverbial "icing" on the tale.


I read this in bits and peices as I do with most books these days. This book is a compilation of writings by Rose Wilder Lane and her friend "Troub" otherwise known as Helen Dore Boylston (author of the Sue Barton Nurse series of books) as they journeyed across Europe to Albania in 1926. For anyone interested in travelouges from this period they would probably appreciate this book, it was never meant to be a book but instead writings to Rose's parents and friends about their misadventures on the trip. I definitely got a feel for how joyous and carefree the 20's were before the great crash of the stock market.