
Julio Rivera Rivera itibaren Annalong, Newry BT34 4RD, İngiltere itibaren Annalong, Newry BT34 4RD, İngiltere

Okuyucu Julio Rivera Rivera itibaren Annalong, Newry BT34 4RD, İngiltere

Julio Rivera Rivera itibaren Annalong, Newry BT34 4RD, İngiltere


Interesting - I do enjoy Jane Hamilton's books - always a bit of a 'surprise' buried to keep the reader interested...


Not quite as personal as Nickel and Dimed, this is definitely for the readers who prefer a bit more academia in their reading. Nevertheless, it's filled with interesting stories about the women behind the faces we see on the news and beyond. One thing I really like about Ehrenreich is her ability to tackle the subjects that others hate to notice. Or rather, would like to NOT notice. Poverty? Please, of course people can live off minimum wage! If they can't, they're just lazy or spendthrifts. Women from "those" countries are always happy to come here, even if they get paid shit and are treated like scum. Excellent book. =)