
Jessica Davis Davis itibaren Дружылавічы, Білорусь itibaren Дружылавічы, Білорусь

Okuyucu Jessica Davis Davis itibaren Дружылавічы, Білорусь

Jessica Davis Davis itibaren Дружылавічы, Білорусь


I'm still on the fence about this one. I did like Garrett. I thought he was tough and really fit into my manly man mold. I liked that he found his mate and was willing to fight for her, even if she blocked him every step of the way. I don't know how I feel about Lucia. At times I liked her, but most times didn't. She was supposedly known as Lucia the Levelheaded but to me not ONCE did I see her do anything that would make me call her levelheaded. Not that she was impulsive or anything. Maybe change her name to Lucia the Secretive? Or, maybe Lucia the self-sufficient? Lucia the Hag? I do understand that she had goals and was independent. I don't know. I guess I have a certain level of "give" that I expect from a romance. I didn't really get that in here. Lucia was a little too independent for me. I didn't get her need to keep secrets. Even at the end she was still keeping things from him! Maybe we're just too different? To me, keeping secrets shows a lack of trust. And you know, what is a relationship if you don't have any trust? I think the outcome would have likely been the same, but I think it would have been nice if she'd been honest and just talked to the man. I really didn't see her attracted to him. Most of the time, she seemed to not like him (as charming as he was) unless it was conveniently inserted into the story. Maybe it was put in there to show the readers that they are mated? I don't know, I wasn't really buying it. I still don't buy it. I also have problems with one character putting their all into a potential relationship, and the other character treating them like crap. And she did give Garrett the cold shoulder, oh I don't know, 99% of the time. Also, the almost whoopie is getting old! It's grating, and taking up valuable real estate. Book real estate. It wasn't all bad. I enjoyed most of the story. It was just the romance part of the story that bothered me. Which really stinks seeings as how this is a romance! Another thing that bothered me - I kind of felt as if the Amazon part went on for way too long. I felt like things were just drowned out when everything could have been dealt with a little quicker. As per usual, I loved Nixie. She's so blunt and funny. I'd completely forgotten about Annika. In fact, I don't remember much about her. I still like all the Valkyries though. They didn't come off as overwhelming as they did in previous books. I still do love how the stories run concurrently. I liked that, because it helped me remember all the other stories. Kind of weird, but my favorite part was when Garrett and Lousha first meet. I thought to myself, as I was reading, "what a hard core manly man!" And, it was! It's the part with the arrows. Come on, tell me you weren't impressed with his determination! The Broken Bloody One was as creepy and gross as they made him out to be. Not your typical baddie for her books. Either way, I'll be reading the next book. I'd be lying to you and myself if I said I wasn't.


I really enjoyed this book. It jumps back and forth through a timespan of a few decades, and switches character perspective every chapter. Each character is connected to another in some way, generally pertaining to music. You often get more insight into one character's story through another, or get told how certain character's lives are end up in the future. These are all aspects of the novel enjoyed. I did, however have a few problems with it. I found it to be painfully "hip", and I wasn't a big fan of the final chapter.