
Iris Wang Wang itibaren Bishop's Hull, Taunton, Somerset TA1 5DY, Združeno kraljestvo itibaren Bishop's Hull, Taunton, Somerset TA1 5DY, Združeno kraljestvo

Okuyucu Iris Wang Wang itibaren Bishop's Hull, Taunton, Somerset TA1 5DY, Združeno kraljestvo

Iris Wang Wang itibaren Bishop's Hull, Taunton, Somerset TA1 5DY, Združeno kraljestvo


على كثر ما كنت اكره التاريخ وحصصه ايام المتوسطه على قد ما استمتعت اني بقراه دحين بالرغم من ان الكاتب اهتم بذكر الحاله السياسية داخل الدوله اكثر من اي شيء اخر واعتنى بسرد احداث الثورات التي قامت في ذلك الوقت واسبابها المبدئيه ايضاً اعجبتني خاتمة الكاتب فبعد ام تنتهي من الكتاب تقريبا تجد من اول تفكير سطحيا ان عصر الدوله الامويه كان مليء بالفتن والثورات وسفك الدماء وطريقتهم في قمع تلك الثورات طريقة دمويه بحته خاصة من عهد يزيد بن معاويه ومروان بن الحكم فيذكر الكاتب بعض البراهين العمليه في نفي تلك الفكره التي تقول بأن تاريخ العرب كان وحشياً وانهم متعطشون للدماء ! الجدير بالذكر ان حكم بنو اميه كان حكمًا استبداديًا باذخ والطمع وجمع المال كان من اهم خصائص جميع حكامه وسلاطينه ما عدا عمر بن عبد العزيز فكان حكمُه راشديًا مشى فيه على نهج ابوبكر وعمر بن الخطاب وهو الحُكم الاسلامي المُشابه في نظام عصرنا بالنظام الديموقراطي وكان همه انفاق مال بيت مال المسلمين بالعدل على غير ما كان يفعله سلاطين بني اميه بانهم كانوا يجمعون المال وينفقونه لمصالحهم الخاصه ومصالح الدوله ومظاهر البذخ والترف .


Yes! I read this. I admit it! You caught me! Not only that... I loved it. It is a double sin I will likely have to one day repent for by reading piles of Dostoyevsky while I tear out my hair. In any case. Right, once again into the breach to defend myself! This book is incredibly long. It's just a fact. All of them are. But they go by so incredibly fast. By the time I got to the third one? I read it in three days. The pages just keep turning. I read at double speed I was so engrossed in the story. And I must admit that usually I hate time travel romances (... I mean.. not that I have any experience trying them before... never...) but this one is not even about that. Or if it is, it just makes it better. Also? There is a pile of historical information in this text. It deals with the Bonnie Prince Charlie uprising, and the rest of the books go on to deal with the American colonies and the Revolution by the time that they're done. It's not just about the romance. It's about medical treatment, what horrid things Scottish people ate, the reality of what people would have suffered through. Which is in some cases I think a direct indictment of the Scottish Highlander bodice-rippers in which everyone is shining and perfect and with awfully clean white teeth. I'd say this is more historical fiction than romance. But fine, let's deal with the romance. Yes. There is a lot of sex. However, I found it to also be deeply intimate and true, brutal, and real. Claire and Jamie, while apart, are deeply attractive and sympathetic characters with a good deal of nobilty about them. Throw them together in love? And they are beautifully frail, selfish, angry, flawed. I love that statement. I really find them so incredibly touching. So there. It's not just a romance novel. I stick my tongue out oh so maturely at the readers of this review.