
Jewel Clark Clark itibaren Staryna, Beyaz Rusya itibaren Staryna, Beyaz Rusya

Okuyucu Jewel Clark Clark itibaren Staryna, Beyaz Rusya

Jewel Clark Clark itibaren Staryna, Beyaz Rusya


Kısmen gerilim, kısmen gizem, kısmen aşk hikayesi, kısmen yağmur ormanlarının korunması. Geçmişini bir bebek katili davası bağlamında bulmaya hiç uymayan bir kadının harika bir bükülme ve perçinleme hikayesi. Herkes bundan hoşlanırdı.


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This book makes me wish I had been more aware of the Throwing Muses in the '90s. Kristin Hersh comes off as quick and articulate, a dark quirky, touches of punk rock in there, make up words on the spot, kinda girl. The book is a memoir of sorts, taking a time out of her life and intersecting it with bites of music, memoirs and such. Her writing is visual, even while the descriptions sound more musical, I couldn't help experiencing a clear picture of what she was saying, that's an admirable accomplishment in itself. As musical memoirs go- a fast and entertaining read.