
Rafael Vilarinho Raiol Vilarinho Raiol itibaren 36875 Pé do Muíno, Pontevedra, İspanya itibaren 36875 Pé do Muíno, Pontevedra, İspanya

Okuyucu Rafael Vilarinho Raiol Vilarinho Raiol itibaren 36875 Pé do Muíno, Pontevedra, İspanya

Rafael Vilarinho Raiol Vilarinho Raiol itibaren 36875 Pé do Muíno, Pontevedra, İspanya


The Glass Castle'dan önce bu kitabı okumanızı tavsiye ederim. Yazarın büyükannesi Lily Casey Smith'in inanılmaz hikayesi.


beşinci kitap baum tarafından oz serisinde aynıdır. bu dorothy bir yolda kaybolur ve bazı yeni arkadaşlar bulmak bulur. düğmeli parlak ve polly, gökkuşağının kızı, yol boyunca tanıştığı arkadaşlardır. peri ülkesinde oz içeren birkaç yeni bölümden geçiyorlar. Oz'a yolculuk sırasında bazı harika yolculuklar boldur. baum bu kitaplarda harika karakterler yaratıyor ve bu kitap diğerlerinden farklı değil.


Hızlı ve eğlenceli bir yasal gerilim hikayesi olan Actual Innocence, arkadaşı Yargıç Solman'dan habeus corpus dilekçesi alan avukat Greg Monarch'ı tanıtıyor. Dilekçe sahibi Greg'in eski kız arkadaşı ve hüküm giymiş cinayet Sarah Trant. Sarah'nın davasına bakarken Greg, küçük El Nido kasabasında perde arkasında çok daha fazlası olduğunu keşfeder. Yazar Barry Siegel, yasal prosedür söz konusu olduğunda ne hakkında konuştuğunu kesinlikle biliyor gibi görünüyor, ancak yazımı tahmin edilemez. Sıradan etkileşim sahneleri sırasında sürükleyici ve sıkı olan gerilim, okuyucunun kahramana kötü bir şey olacağından emin olduğu yere inşa edilir .... o zaman hiçbir şey yapmaz. Eylem, olan biteni sonuçlandırmadan zaman içinde ileriye doğru atlar. Tabii ki, doğal bir sonuca varmak, arsanın “gizemini” çok fazla verirdi. Parselin kendisi ilginç ve biraz öngörülebilir ise makul. Karakterler iyi gelişmiş ve inanılır, ancak yazarın kahramanı için bir romantizm girişimi garip görünüyor. Gizemli romanlarda romantizm gerekmez, ama eğer koyacaksanız, en azından ödeyin. Bu kitapla ilgili yorum yapmak istediğim tek şey, ana karakterlerin çoğunun soyadı biraz ... kapalı ... veya kesilmiş gibi görünüyor. Sanki bu bir noktada gerçek bir öykü gibiydi ve isimler "kurgu" olabilmek için biraz değiştirildi. Gest, Mashburn, Trant, Solman ve Sanborn'un aslında Misafir, Washburn, Trent, Soloman ve Sandborn olduklarını tahmin etmeye cazipim. Yine de Google'da bulabileceğim benzer bir hikaye yok ...


Fun to read, but definitely a trashy bit of history. The first three emperors are dealt with in some detail and evenhandedly, but it becomes very clear very quickly when Suetonius loses access to the imperial records, because after Tiberius the work takes on the flavor of the average Facebook political post. Titus and Otho escape serious criticism, but the rest are basically monsters. Perhaps that was actually true; we have monsters today running nations into the ground. But the lack of details and quick succession of scandalous stories without any depth gives it a partisan tone. Oh, and prophecies back then seem to have been spot-on 100% of the time.


'Textual Healing' is a romantic comedy set in New York City and Hoboken, New Jersey. It's a really enjoyable, quick read. I found myself continuosly laughing throughout at the main character, Andrew (or Ace), who is completely full of quirky jokes and one-liners. I found it was easy to relate to most, if not all, of the characters. I liked all of them, literally. Which isn't a usual thing for me. I tend to find myself annoyed with at least one character but that wasn't the case with 'Textual Healing.' The story is told through Andrew Connor, or as his friends call him, Ace. This guy has THE worst luck ever. I mean, it's not bad enough that he's down but you have to kick him too! He gets his heart broken, terrible news, loses his business, has writer's block, it just goes on and on. Andrew is a former best-selling novelist. He hasn't written anything in three years and it's due to lack of inspiration. When you're surrounded by bad people, or one person in his case, it's hard to get inspired to do anything! Andrew is a great character, very well developed and pronounced. He definitely stands out...he's not like any other characters that I've read in books so far! Andrew isn't the only character that has serious depth, they all do! Every character has a completely separate personality and attitude. Daniela, Andrew's ex, is an egotistical bitch! She's stuck up, snobbish, and she's only worried about herself and where that next dollar's coming from. Hannah is amazing! I mean, she easily became my favorite character in 'Textual Healing.' She's so "matter-of-fact" and just tells it like it is. And I love that about her. It doesn't matter who she's dealing with or how sensitive they are, she gives it to them straight and tells them exactly what they need to hear! The side story of Brian "the Pantara" and Valerie was incredible! I found myself cracking up about so many things involving them. Oh, and we can't forget about the haiku speaking ninja. I know that she speaks in 5-7-5 haiku's so I counted it almost every time she spoke. I couldn't help it!! lol. I was waiting for her to mess up, or like, all of a sudden just start talking normally or something! lol. I'm glad she didn't! The only bad thing I can say about 'Textual Healing' is that the jokes can seem a little overwhelming. At some points they are a bit...excessive. But, for the most part, Smith knows when to draw the line and enough is enough. Maybe I don't have a great sense of humor...Other than that, 'Textual Healing' was absolutely fabulous! I loved every minute of it. So, I'd suggest it to almost everyone. I mean, it's not a YA but it's still amazing. If you like a fun, humorous, quick read, then absolutely check out 'Textual Healing' by Eric Smith.


read a promising review in the urbanite...any comments?