
Sandis Dudars Dudars itibaren Zapparé Sud TV, Itàlia itibaren Zapparé Sud TV, Itàlia

Okuyucu Sandis Dudars Dudars itibaren Zapparé Sud TV, Itàlia

Sandis Dudars Dudars itibaren Zapparé Sud TV, Itàlia


Completely awesome. The whole Immortal Nicholas Flemel series is turning really intreaging. It's one of those books that just takes a hold of you and pulls you right into the story, and keeps you there untill its done. I thought it was written very well, an interesting take on the world of alchemy and magics. The two main characters, Sophie and Josh, are interesting and well developed throughout the story. All the realistic settings and backround(historic and mythological) really add to the story. Being a twin myself, I understand Josh's feelings in this one, which were hinted at at the end of "The Alchemyst",(though my feelings obviously are not caused by the same specicific circumstances.) and i feel Scott portayed the situation the twins find themselves in very well. No twin likes to feel that the other has surpassed them or has changed in a way the other never will or will never understand. No matter how close or not twins are, a major unbalance between them, like the one in the story, will cause some stormy seas(if you'll excuse the crumy metaphor). Trust me. The feelings can be hidden or squashed down but they're still there, and extremely unplesent. Jelousy, envy, anger, regret, disaproval, or contempt for the acheivements or abilities of someone that close or connected to you can turn into a real ugly thing and ruin the relationship between them. The Elder Warrior Scatty seems to have developed alot more too, you got to see a little more into her past and her character, which i thoroughly enjoyed. She seems to warm up to the twins more, which is probably a good thing. Perenelle's predicament(and her method of dealing with it) was extremely interesting to read, and was my favorite part of the book. I found myself rushing through the main parts of the story just to get back to her side of things. The info and content on the catacombs of Parris was morbidly fasinating. It was the perfect setting for the events towards the end of the book, and i get the feeling good old Dr. Dee is quite at home down there. Ah Dr. Doc, aa elusive, sneaky, and underhanded in this book as ever. I still am dying to know who his annonymous Master is... Saint-Germain and his wife Joan are two great new characters. I was happily suprised at their ties to Flemel and Scatty. Saint-Germain was my favorite this book, a truly lovable modern alchemyc pyro! A very good read, can't wait to read the whole series!