
Fernanda Leonel Leonel itibaren インド 〒441916 マハーラーシュトラ ダネガアン itibaren インド 〒441916 マハーラーシュトラ ダネガアン

Okuyucu Fernanda Leonel Leonel itibaren インド 〒441916 マハーラーシュトラ ダネガアン

Fernanda Leonel Leonel itibaren インド 〒441916 マハーラーシュトラ ダネガアン


Profound. "When the GPS is navigating for you, your understanding of the environment is about as minimal as it can possibly be. . . .In the best case. . .this method of navigating gets you to your destination quickly and easily. But it completely trivializes the noble art of navigation, which was the province of great cultures from the sea-faring Phoenicians to the navigators of the Age of Discovery. . . .To navigate by GPS is to endure a series of meaningless pauses at the end of which you do precisely what you are told. . . .It's like being the central figure in a Beckett play without the jokes. Indeed, in an important sense this experience turns you into an automated device the GPS can use to arrive at its destination. . .[T]o aim for this as an entire way of life is to lose touch with the skill and care, the reverence and awe, that are some of the moods that bring out human beings at their best."