
Cheng itibaren La Mayoria, San Carlos, Antioquia, Colombia itibaren La Mayoria, San Carlos, Antioquia, Colombia

Okuyucu Cheng itibaren La Mayoria, San Carlos, Antioquia, Colombia

Cheng itibaren La Mayoria, San Carlos, Antioquia, Colombia


This was one of my favorite books the year I was 12. (My very favorite - from age 12 on - was probably To Kill A Mockingbird.) The book was a Christmas present that year. I reread it multiple times, and have reread it periodically over the years. It was unique for its time, of telling a story about Native Americans where they weren’t portrayed as perfect or as evil, but simply as human beings. I still have my original very worn copy. Just checked and it is in print and that's great because it’s a terrific story. It’s about a nine year old girl and her five year old sister and how, after their family is killed by members of a tribe of Comanche Indians, they’re kidnapped and adopted as members by different families in the tribe. The story is told from the older girl’s viewpoint. It’s a real epic as her story, and that of the tribe, is followed well into her early adulthood. Both the characters and plot are very well developed in this book. It’s the book that sparked my interest in Native American history.