
Xin Zhang Zhang itibaren 881, Taiwan, 澎湖縣西嶼鄉赤馬村 itibaren 881, Taiwan, 澎湖縣西嶼鄉赤馬村

Okuyucu Xin Zhang Zhang itibaren 881, Taiwan, 澎湖縣西嶼鄉赤馬村

Xin Zhang Zhang itibaren 881, Taiwan, 澎湖縣西嶼鄉赤馬村


Plot: Thomas of Hookton’s village was ravaged by the French so to take revenge, he travels with the King’s army and takes part in several battles, becoming very popular in Will Skeat’s band of archers. Oh, and he has his own score to settle as well. Characters: Thomas is a regular guy who turns out to be a bit of a hero. I rather prefer Will Skeat, though. Style Of Writing: Lots of history, very inclusive, typical Bernard Cornwell. Overall Opinion: I really enjoyed this book and when I’d finished I was keen to read the second one. Recommended If: You want to see historical justice prevail in the end, and lots of clever archers winning battles for their army.


a disappointing sophomore book for weisberger. she seems to rely too much on the city as a character to pull off the story she wants to tell - which, when it gets boiled down, is the most boring-already-read-this-ten-times plot ever. however, she still does nail that certain new york set with amazing ease, and while this tries to do what The Devil Wears Prada did for budding writers for the club set, the fact that it IS for the club set can't be missed. over the top, and not really even worth imagining the jimmy choos mentioned. yet in the land of chick lit, especially manhattan chick lit, this isn't a bad egg.