
David Cortez Cortez itibaren Banja Luka itibaren Banja Luka

Okuyucu David Cortez Cortez itibaren Banja Luka

David Cortez Cortez itibaren Banja Luka


At first I found the book slow, and I turned each page hoping for some action, which finally came from the portal scene. Well, I found this book the most complex, with layer apon layer of subplot and subplot. **SPOILERS** I was so entisted with the characters, when they suffered agony, I felt it too - one such event was the finding of Iriel, in the basement of the manor. It was an agonising read. Jace as a character is my favourite- but i think that just because i'm in love with him. I hoped and prayed that the sibling thingy was not true, and it wasn't untill about 100 pages before the end, that I really thought that it couldn't be true. This book had huge reliefs and huge gasps, finding out Sebastian is Clary's true brother was a huge relief, but I think self conciously I knew there was something going on - because the kiss they shared was weird. But my relief was short lived when Jace and him fight, and I willed Jace to win - however we never really know if he does kill Sebastian - and if he does - how will Clary react. I knew there was something up with Seb, especially when he kills Max, I was in floods of tears, and this was the first tears fo many to come. The most gut clenching part, is when Valentine calls apon the great angel Raziel. I knew that Clary would change the runes somehow, that was obvious, but I couldn't quite guess what would come next. The fight between Jace and Valentine was the most heart racing thing I had read. And when both perish, I hurled my book - for the second time - acrss my room, I cried for what seemed like an hour - but was probally only a few minutes. Still in denial, i continued to cry as I read. Sobbing much louder when he was brought back by Raziel. I think this series is one of the best I've ever read, and will stay in my heart forever, just as the characters have.