
Agustin Sanchez Sanchez itibaren Smiths, NC, 美国 itibaren Smiths, NC, 美国

Okuyucu Agustin Sanchez Sanchez itibaren Smiths, NC, 美国

Agustin Sanchez Sanchez itibaren Smiths, NC, 美国


People can be so stupid! Getting too close to take a picture...falling into the Canyon, etc. It has just about every incident of death in the Grand Canyon.


This book truly changed the way I see class and poverty in the United States as well educating me in infinite ways about the lives of migrant workers. I can honestly say that I never looked at a bar of soap the same way again after reading this eye-opening and gut-wrenching novel. Before I read this, soap was just something I took for granted, but afterwards, I realized what a luxury it is to many people in the world.