
Deleted itibaren 프랑스 도빌 itibaren 프랑스 도빌

Okuyucu Deleted itibaren 프랑스 도빌

Deleted itibaren 프랑스 도빌


I read this before hearing her speak at the PHR banquet, and I throughly enjoyed her take on her years at Dartmouth. Her humor and her resilience are remarkable.. then again, the cooeducation era women are kind of my heroes.


much more vulgar and dirty than i predicted. Almost so much i feel guilty enjoying it. But it is an interesting look on things.


I made it to about page 300 of this book before realizing that it's okay to quit reading a book that you don't enjoy reading. While the writing is gorgeous, the story is quite mediocre. I wouldn't recommend it, unless you are incredibly patient with dragging story lines.