
Galina Sotnikov Sotnikov itibaren Jamu, Lunyuk, Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, Endonezya itibaren Jamu, Lunyuk, Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, Endonezya

Okuyucu Galina Sotnikov Sotnikov itibaren Jamu, Lunyuk, Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, Endonezya

Galina Sotnikov Sotnikov itibaren Jamu, Lunyuk, Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, Endonezya


Bu kitap kesinlikle iyi bir okuma!


Bu, çoğunlukla otobiyografik bir kitaptır, çünkü yazar kendi yaşamından ve deneyimlerinden örnekleri ile açıklamalarını sürdürür. Hayatımı biraz organize etmeme yardımcı oldu ve daha yükseğe nişan almamı istedi. Dr Carson çok ilginç ve basit bir yazma stiline sahip, böylece kitabını çok kısa sürede okuyabilirsiniz!


Bu destansı kıyamet macerasında insana karşı makine. Yapay zeka (AI) kullanan robotlar tüm insanlığa savaş ilan ediyor. Gelecekte birkaç yıl boyunca genel olarak çok çeşitli botlar, akıllı cihazlar ve teknoloji ile geçen hikaye, farklı karakterlerden "Yeni Savaş" ın vinyet benzeri hesaplarından oluşuyor. Bu hesaplar, okumak üzere olduğumuz hesabın nasıl ortaya çıktığını açıklayan ortak bir anlatıcı, bir insan askeri tarafından birleştirildi. ********************* ÖRTÜCÜLER ÖNCE ************************* İyi : benzersiz bir şekilde anlatılan bir kıyamet / savaş hikayesi. Jurassic Park'ta dinozorlar olduğu gibi burada birçok farklı robot türü var ve bunlar (belki daha da fazla) korkutucu ve tehditkar, kendi gerçek kişiliklerini alıyorlar. Savaş tiyatroları da çok ve çeşitlidir, Alaska'dan Orta Doğu'ya, NYC'ye, Amerika'nın kalbine Japonya'ya. Bu romanı makineye karşı basit bir mega savaştan ayıran birkaç karmaşıklık seviyesi vardır. Robotların yapmaya çalıştığı her şey işe yaramaz. Robot hainleri var. İnsanlar arasında kavga var. Ve hikayenin zorlayıcı bir alt ipliği olarak bulduğum şeyde, robotların doğal dünyaya düşkünlüğü var. Doğayı korumak istiyorlar - sadece insanlarla birlikte değil (daha fazla robot inşa eden çalışma kamplarında çalışmak için hayatta tuttukları insanlar hariç!). Özellikle robotların biyolojik bir araştırma istasyonu inşa ettiği sahneden keyif aldım. Robotik ve makine öğreniminin teknik yönleri ustaca ele alınır ve hikayeyi yavaşlatmadan daha gerçekçi hale getirir. Romanın yazarının kendisi robotikte doktora yapıyor. Kötü: İlk başta vinyet formatının dalgalı ve biraz kafa karıştırıcı olduğunu gördüm, gerginlik çok değişti, bu farklı ipliklerin ne zaman birbirine bağlanacağını merak etti. Ama yakında yeterliydi ve bu noktadan sonra maksimum etki oldu. Kitap, sanki bu tür bir robot ayaklanmasının herhangi bir gün gerçekleşebileceği gibi anlatılır (ve konuşulur), ancak genel olarak fütüristik bir hikaye buldum. Cidden, ticari bir robotun en son ne zaman kendi başına bir mağazaya girdiğini gördünüz? (Bu nedir - asla? Evet, burada da aynı.) Sonunda, gıcırtılı için son derece şiddetli ve kanlı sahneler var, ama hey, bu bir savaş hikayesi. Karakterizasyon incedir, ancak bu beni rahatsız etmedi - karakterler hakkında ne bilmeniz gerektiğini biliyorsunuz (özellikle insan, insan duygularıyla). Sonuçta, hikaye şu soruya cevap vermekte oldukça iyi bir çekim yapıyor: Hayatta kalmak tam olarak ne anlama geliyor?


İlginç kitap. Sadece insanların yaşamları ve deneyimleri hakkında okumayı seviyorum.


En iyi yazılmış kitaplardan biri.


Bu kitabı diğerlerinden ayıran şey, daha önce orada bulunan endüstri insanlarıyla yapılan röportaj serisidir.


Of Mice And Men By; John Steinbeck Of mice and men was about two friends named George and Lennie. Two friends that travel together looking for work in the farm areas of California. They are two totally different man yet they are distinct for each other. Lennie is a tall strong man but his a mentally disability and George is a short clean cut sharp key kind of guy. They both take care of each other very well and one couldn’t do with out the other. They are running from a town by the name of weeds because Lennie loves to pet stuff and pets a women’s dress because he thought it was pretty. In result he ripped it and was accused of rape. Lennie love to pet things especially rabbits and him and George have a dream of one day have there own one acre farm with there own crop and Lennie could pet all the rabbits he wanted. Then they moved to Salinas Valley and there dream was close to coming true. It liked the book because it was touching, the characters was amazing and I never in my life read a book in school with so much violence and killing so I thought that was cool. It was also one of the first books that didn’t have that same happy ending like all the other story’s I have read. The violence in this book is so good. Seven things get killed in this book. First the mouse that Lennie kills cause he was petting it to hard. Then a farm hand convinces candy to kill his dog cause his old and he stink. Then Lennie gets a pup and he kills it by petting it to hard. Then Lennie pets curly’s wife to hard she starts to scream and he breaks her neck. Then George kills Lennie because he kills to many things. Then George and Lennie dream of having there own little farm dies along with Lennie. Some of the violence in the novel includes when curly and Lennie get into a tussle and Lennie breaks curly hand. There is also a lot of symbols and motifs in this story. Something that keep popping up in the story that I noticed was how Lennie keep asking George to tell him the story of how there life’s were going be when they get some land and how Lennie was going to tend to the rabbits. The rabbits are a symbol and motif in one. Lennie talks about the rabbits so many times its ridiculous I think the rabbit are a way that Lennie can get away from it all and just be himself. I think Lennie think if he get rabbits and pet them they will not die cause they will love his pet as much as he love petting them. Then the characters in this book are awesome. My favorite character in this book is Lennie. He is so nice at heart its funny. And in away its like his handicap is holding people back from seen it. He always talks about how he tend to rabbits and he loves hearing the story of how him and George are going to get there own from one day and they have there own cattle. But I believe the most powerful character in the story is George the reason I believe this is because he killed the most beloved character in the story which was his best friend. You would have never thought George would do such a thing, like that to Lennie. Lennie3 killed a mouse, a puppy, and curly’s wife but that still didn’t seam to put as much impact on the story as when George shoot Lennie. It was like something you would have never thought in a million years would happen. So that’s why I like this novel “of mice and men” by john Steinbeck. The violence, characters and motifs and symbols all played a amazing role in this good book and I give it two thumbs up.


Fiction book that I found interesting because the author writes it from the viewpoint of an 11 (?) year old autistic boy's perspective. I wasn't sure how accurate he was or how he would know how to write like this, so read his bio and he was a teacher or counselor of children who are autistic. (Basically, to me, he has some credibility).


One of the better Beethoven biographies out there. ( my apologies for the alliteration. I usually try to avoid that).


This was one of my favorite books in a long time. It was so well thought out and right after I finished reading it, I reread the ending again. It was great. It had one of the coolest endings in a book for a long time, and it was pretty surprising, which is a new thing for me, as I can usually guess what is going to happen. It was an amazing book. I always wonder how the authors are able to have such an involved plot that goes for three books. I read this right after Eddings Belgariad, and it was miles ahead of what he had written, even though there are some of the same themes. Sanderson's book was just awesome.


I enjoyed this book from the first page! Love Lies Bleeding tells the story of a woman, Samantha, who is attacked and suffers brain injuries as a result. She is sent to a isolated cabin by her "loving" father and fiance to recover and cared for by a local physical therapist. Samantha begins to have dreams and visions of the previous owner - a woman who is not thought of kindly by the rest of the small community due to her sorrid past with the local men. This book lost me towards the end though. It kept me gripped and interested throughout the entire story, but the ending felt rushed. So many unanswered questions! I would love to read a sequal where the questions would be explained.