
Communication Graphics Inc Graphics Inc itibaren 35030 San Martino PD, Italie itibaren 35030 San Martino PD, Italie

Okuyucu Communication Graphics Inc Graphics Inc itibaren 35030 San Martino PD, Italie

Communication Graphics Inc Graphics Inc itibaren 35030 San Martino PD, Italie


Considering that this was a "pick up" at the library (you know, where you take a chance and just pick it up) it was a pretty good read. The voice of the narrator (Harper) was just so cynical, I couldn't stop reading. I can't say that it's 100% clean, so I wouldn't recommend it for everyone. It's the story of Harper who marries her soul mate in college and then gets divorced six months later. She goes on to become a divorce attorney with a cynical view on love and life. Thirteen years later, when her sister marries her ex's brother, she's forced to confront her past. Instead of the typical cheesy romance drivel, this one really took a look at relationships and I found myself appreciating my husband at the end. The basis of a marriage is communication and compromise and the story made me want to take a long, hard look at myself.