
Waldez Snegotskiy Snegotskiy itibaren Barranceira - SC, Brezilya itibaren Barranceira - SC, Brezilya

Okuyucu Waldez Snegotskiy Snegotskiy itibaren Barranceira - SC, Brezilya

Waldez Snegotskiy Snegotskiy itibaren Barranceira - SC, Brezilya


If you don't mind the long desciptions of "cutting-edge" 80's wear, this is actually a great book. Her visual descriptions defitely date it though. The Robber Bride is all about this incredibly evil bitch, and everyone has known one of those in their life, so it does hold the interest. The end kind of flames out in this weird parallel fantasy number like in 9-5. I know its not meant like that, but it does come off kind of cheesy. Reminded me exactly of Cat's Eye and the female relationships in that one, too. Still think ORYX AND CRAKE is her most interesting.