
Iris Wang Wang itibaren Texas itibaren Texas

Okuyucu Iris Wang Wang itibaren Texas

Iris Wang Wang itibaren Texas


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Not an entirely bad read. There were some valid points about the growth of technology and how young'uns are completely immersed in the world of technology. Watkins covers various aspects of technology, and one part that I found interesting was the advent of social networking sites with college students. Particularly, many students found themselves completely wasting their time with technology, and then later realizing that they could have done other things with their time. No surprise, right? However, there's one thing about this observation that is lacking, and that's the group of people who are completely opposite from this first group. Many people do in fact find Facebook and Myspace and FaceSpace to be completely time consuming, and so they ignore it altogether. But wait...that's not all. They're completely enamored by the Bohemian lifestyle that they ignore all forms of technology that they become completely unreachable. Not to say that this is not as commendable desire, but there is a fine line that people should watch out for (unless, of course, they really want to be a recluse and cut off all contact with friends and family and the IRS). Technology has its merits, but it also has its pitfalls. The same with alcohol. And with many other things in life. It's how we choose to use these things in life. Do we want a balance? Or do we want to succumb to our desires and play WoW nonstop until we keel over from exhaustion? Take a read if you're interested in learning a few facts, but I can't say there are any great revelations from this piece. Enjoy it as you will.


This is the most hilarious book about human cadavers that I’ve ever read. Actually, this might be the only book dedicated to describing what happens to human bodies after death that I’ve ever read. I felt squeamish reading during many, many parts, but it was worth it. It was too fascinating to not keep reading. She’s a good writer and this is a unique book. I plan to be cremated but if I were wealthy, have to say the part on composting was intriguing. Eager to read more from her.


A book touching on race relations between black and white is bound to strike a nerve; I read one review that picked on Ms. Carr for being "me-focused", for patting herself on the back as an enlightened white, for writing too long of a book, for spending too much time with the pathetic white supremacists. Ultimately I enjoyed her narrative and insights into the Klan, which as a PacNWer I had no concept of, as well as her willingness in submerging herself in her home town, county, and state of Indiana. Sixty-odd years after the notorious lynching photo was taken, and facts have fallen away, mysteries have been compounded, memories are obfuscated, confused, or ossified - but pain lives on. The complexity of this pain in the community was a fascinating read.