Sarah Mossallam Mossallam itibaren Nooujadeh, East Azerbaijan, İran
Very interestingly written, at the point of view of a teenager going through love. At first I admit I hated Grace as a person, she's everything I am worried about - underage drinking, pregnacy, cutting, having lots of casual sex and suicide - but as the book progressed I realised that that is why she is a brilliant character, she gets a reaction out of people. She wasn't an easy character to care for, but throughout the book I found myself draw to her features - how fearless she is, and her loalty to her best friend - she really inspired me. Grace's thoughts and fears feel so real, and she made me worry about her niavety, cry when her heart is broken and laugh at her dirty thoughts. I found the idea of the plot predictable, but I think this was purposefully done, and that Cat wants the reader to will Grace to find the truth. However when I turned each page, i willed myself to be wrong, and the agony of not being was almost too much, it left me gasping in tears when i finished the last page. The self harm part of the book shocked me at first, but I think it added an edge - not many books i've read actually go as far to descirbe the feelings of the cutter in detail - and i found myself not nessisarily understanding, but on my way to understanding. Overall I'd say that the book is a brilliant, thought provoking book - which sparks a reaction out of all that read it. I left me hurt and wanting more from Cat, I can't wait to read her next intallment or book, I hope to hear from the characters again - if just to shield my pain.