
Covalenco Veaceslav Veaceslav itibaren Čižići, Hırvatistan itibaren Čižići, Hırvatistan

Okuyucu Covalenco Veaceslav Veaceslav itibaren Čižići, Hırvatistan

Covalenco Veaceslav Veaceslav itibaren Čižići, Hırvatistan


I need to start by saying this woman's story is remarkable! The reason I made this book a 4 and not a 3 was because it is a true story and Harriet was brave enough to share it with us! Her honesty about her situation, and the strength of her daughter will glue you to this book immediately. You'll be waiting for that moment that you know is coming - when this gets to be part of her past rather than part of her reality. The only reason I would have considered giving it a 3 is because I was unimpressed by the editing. Certain things felt a little trite and some of the metaphors in the book stuck out like a sore thumb especially up against the backdrop of such blatant truth. Along with her story, I love how she included signs of abuse to watch out for at the end of her book, and places to go to for help. I also love that she kept the ending extremely positive without being unrealistic, along with including the fact that she DID overcome everything and thrive anyways. Awesome. Definitely read this book if this is a topic that interests you - just remember she leaves the country a little after getting married. It's slightly abrupt and not much detail about it is given. Which is why she goes from working and making money (that she has no control over) to being stuck at home without a job and no freedom because she has no legal status as of yet. That fact isn't made too clear and you're left wondering what the heck happened to her documentation and her job esp if you put the book down for a second and pick it back up like I did!