
Carlos Rodriguez Smith Rodriguez Smith itibaren Yakovlevka, Primorskiy kray, Rusya, 692361 itibaren Yakovlevka, Primorskiy kray, Rusya, 692361

Okuyucu Carlos Rodriguez Smith Rodriguez Smith itibaren Yakovlevka, Primorskiy kray, Rusya, 692361

Carlos Rodriguez Smith Rodriguez Smith itibaren Yakovlevka, Primorskiy kray, Rusya, 692361

caler When the real is no longer what it used to be, nostalgia assumes its full meaning. There is a proliferation of myths of origin and signs of reality; of second-hand truth, objectivity and authenticity. There is an escalation of the true, of the lived experience; a resurrection of the figurative where the object and substance have disappeared. And there is a panic-stricken production of the real and the referential, above and parallel to the panic of material production. This is how simulation appears in the phase that concerns us: a strategy of the real, neo-real and hyperreal, whose universal double is a strategy of deterrence.


اقتباسات المعرفه قوة فامتلاك المعلومات وامداد الآخرين بها لهو من اهم ما يدفع الناس للعمل معك بغض النظر عما يكتب عن مقدار خبرتك فإن هناك طلبا دائما للمعلومات الجديده والمعاصره