
Miguel Membre Membre itibaren 4920-020 Candemil, Portekiz itibaren 4920-020 Candemil, Portekiz

Okuyucu Miguel Membre Membre itibaren 4920-020 Candemil, Portekiz

Miguel Membre Membre itibaren 4920-020 Candemil, Portekiz


Algo más difuminada que su Historia de Roma. Pero igual de entretenida, de rigurosa... y de práctica.


This one really sucked me in. Its amazing to see how isolated people can get.


Another kindle freebie. For a while, I have to admit that I really thought I was going to hate this book. Early on, the main character annoyed me hugely, to the extent that I was about to quit reading. However, I kept going, and in the end, it was okay. Not a terrible book, some cute parts. Aspects of it I found totally unbelievable and I still can't relate to, but overall, it was an acceptable book to spend an afternoon reading.


A great read that is centered around my homestate of NJ. When Adriana learned that I had never read this book, she personally sent a hand-autographed copy to me in Colorado. What a wonderful thing for an author to do!