
Efren Gutierrez Gutierrez itibaren 33040 Salt UD, İtalya itibaren 33040 Salt UD, İtalya

Okuyucu Efren Gutierrez Gutierrez itibaren 33040 Salt UD, İtalya

Efren Gutierrez Gutierrez itibaren 33040 Salt UD, İtalya


Bookwise, this is incredibly well-written, and structured like a classic. The framing, the viewpoints, the unreliability of the protagonist... so beautifully done. But my hatred for the narrator was so complete, I barely made it through to the center love-and-war story; after being so transported into the mangled lives of the two lovers, the end was too cruel such that I could not feel sorry for Briony, even as an old woman.


Loved this true book about the holocaust! Some books on this subject are depressing - NOT this one! This book is inspiring and motivational. The faith of the two sisters involved is incredible and uplifting. What a great read! Christianity at its finest. Looking on the bright side of things like you've never seen it before.


Reviewed here.