
Leonardo Cunha Cunha itibaren Texas itibaren Texas

Okuyucu Leonardo Cunha Cunha itibaren Texas

Leonardo Cunha Cunha itibaren Texas


I did like the book, I can't say it was a "I can't put it down" book. I found the storyline intriging as to how friends who are all couples deal with grief when 1 couple dies.


Inventive writing with a focus on the events of the Spanish civil war. The first third is about the writer researching the material for a book, the second third is the central story, and the final third is effectively a further elaboration of the events by introducing another key character. I enjoyed the first and last sections far more than the central section, especially the Moralles character and the sense of respect so much in fighting during the wars. There is plenty of interesting historical background here, but to me some of the political history became complicated and diverted attention from the main story and characters. Occasionally obscure language is used in the English translation too and I did have to reach for the dictionary a few times.