
G itibaren Bristol, FL 32321, Birleşik Devletler itibaren Bristol, FL 32321, Birleşik Devletler

Okuyucu G itibaren Bristol, FL 32321, Birleşik Devletler

G itibaren Bristol, FL 32321, Birleşik Devletler


Another wonder by a favorite author of mine. I love her wisdom. So many quotables exist. After living alone in A Year By the Sea, Joan and her husband begin the task of reassembling their lives together. pg. 46 "After a time, life with another should not be about gazing at each other, but instead looking outward together at the same sight." pg. 102 "The damnable thing about married children is their enormous need to create boundaries around their space. It's a veritable mine field we're meant to walk through, unsure where the explosives might be buried. A psychiatrist friend cautioned me that the closer you've been to your children, the farther they must go to break away. they can't become adults in the presence of their parents. Besides, they want to be new different, and better than us. Isn't that what we tried to do when we first married." Regarding our need to feel close to our adult children: pg. 105 "This is our issue, not theirs. they are too busy finding their way in the world to think about our relationship with them. Surely they just want it to work out somehow. since I've had to figure out how to get along with my children from the beginning, why would it be any different now?" pg. 32 "Retirement- Twice as much husband for half as much money. pg. 36 "Trauma, problem solving, crisis - all those dark spots that we try to avoid - may be just what relationships need to keep them bubbling along. it occurs to me that we spend most of our lives learning how to avoid difficulty in order to project an image of confidence and success, thus losing the chance to expose our vulnerable selves, one to another. GREAT FINAL LINE! pg. 223 "I can't believe it - 32 years with the same person! It's almost ridiculous," I jest. but that's just it, he answers, solemnly. We're not the same person." "Blessed are the man and woman who have grown beyond their greed, and have put an end to hatred, no longer nourishing illusions but delight in the way things are and keep their hearts open, day and night. They are like trees planted near flowing rivers which bear fruit when they are ready. They leaves will not fall or wither. Everything they do will succeed."


started but also have not finished. it was getting me too fired up..


When a prominent scientist defects to the Soviet Union with a precious secret, Michael Reynolds is tasked with bringing him back.