
Chien itibaren Autonomous Region of the Southern Atlantic, Nikaragua itibaren Autonomous Region of the Southern Atlantic, Nikaragua

Okuyucu Chien itibaren Autonomous Region of the Southern Atlantic, Nikaragua

Chien itibaren Autonomous Region of the Southern Atlantic, Nikaragua


Bu kitaptaki tariflerin çoğunu henüz yapmadım - bu yıllar alacaktır - ama yaptığım neredeyse her şey fevkalade döndü (ve tariflerimin değil, kendi hatalarımdan geçmemiş olanlar) ). Dahası, kitap muhteşem bir okuma; Yemek pişirme havasında olmadığım zamanlarda bile okuyabilirim. Hiçbir şey için değil, İngiltere'de bir Yılın Kitabı ödülü kazandı. Lawson'ın nesri muhteşem.


bu kitap inanılmaz. ödünç aldım ve fiziksel olarak özlüyorum. Keşke benim duff'umdan çıkıp önce yazdığım türden bir kitap, çok ilginç ve sevecen. yazarın ansiklopedi formundaki oto-biyografisidir. onunla evlenmek istememi sağlıyor.


Two couples agree to swap homes for the summer. Sophie and Andrew are teachers who live in London, rather jaded with life and each other, but hoping for a break. William and Beth are a newly married couple, who live in Connecticut in the USA. William is rather older than Beth; he has three teenage sons living with their mother in London. William wants to spend time with his sons in the summer, and Beth hopes to get to know them better. The first half of the book explores what happens during the exchange, with increased closeness for one couple, and increased stress on the other. Then things start to fall apart for them all, yet none of them can never return to what they had previously. While the style is fairly light, there are some heavy issues touched upon: dark family secrets, addictions, lack of trust, and the deep ties between parents and children, even when separated by an ocean. These issues arel treated sensitively, and made the book rather deeper and more thought-provoking than the average light novel for women.


this was a never ending story of poverty and seemed utterly hopeless. the ending was far from uplifting, I'm still confused at why this is such a well known book for which Mccourt received a pulitzer prize.