
Cozz 1 1 itibaren 32020 Pezzé BL, İtalya itibaren 32020 Pezzé BL, İtalya

Okuyucu Cozz 1 1 itibaren 32020 Pezzé BL, İtalya

Cozz 1 1 itibaren 32020 Pezzé BL, İtalya


This book took me a year to get a hold of, when standing at the Wal-mart looking for something new it happened to be on the shelf so I grabbed it. Is this book adolescent? absolutely? Was I amused and laughing either because of humor or stupidity? Helk yeah! As many others the only reason I was interested in it was because Stephanie Meyer had a story in it. However I was sorely disappointed when I finally got to hers which is the last story in the book, It was very predictable and quite blah to the others. Out of all five stories Meyer and Myracle were the only two takes on a Prom night from Hell that I really did not care for.