Mariangela Vel Vel itibaren Sankar Dahra, Chhattisgarh 491661, Hindistan
Bu kitabın yıllar boyunca benim için dayanacağından emin değilim, birçok harika kitap sonra, ama ilk okuduğumda büyülü gerçekçiliğin infüzyonu beni büyüledi. merkezi arsa ilişkilerini şiirsel olarak güzel, güzel buldum. hevesle bu kitap okuryazar arkadaş bir dizi için tavsiye ve benim hatırlama biri yaptığım kadar güçlü buldum.
I like M.C. Beaton's Hamish Macbeth character. Death of a Bore was a good book, and I think I'd like to read the rest of the series.
The bad guys don't get away in these books. The Sisterhood has a mission to take care of, and an agenda to make. Fast reading and fun for all.
The biography of a girl who is chosen to go live with her brother in the states while the rest of her family stays in war torn Cambodia. Chapters alternate between her life in the US and her family's life in Asia. I loved this book.
1934 Newbery Medal Winner
Ayn Rand was a one step away from being a looney libertarian. Nevertheless this is a compelling page turner. Good fiction, bad social theory.
I first hesitated - like I always do when it comes to great books - whether to give it 4 stars or go all out and give it 5. I went to look at my 'Read' shelf and saw that if the sequels of A Game of Thrones got five stars, so should this. And then I saw that if Leviathan (& the other Westerfeld books) got four stars, so should this. Finally, I saw that I need to take a closer look at the stars I've been giving my read books (and maybe be a bit more generous when it comes to 5 stars). For now I'm giving this 4. Could change. Wow. Quite a bit of exposition - loved every letter of it. Fascinating world, great characters, shocking (crushing?) ending, got me in tears, awesome awesome awesome. Why did I give this 4 stars again? Will review later. Do have some minor nitpicks, but don't even care myself. Typos happen, as do the occasional clichés. Whatever. Will be reading the sequels.