
Alicja Bytnar Bytnar itibaren Broadbottom, Hyde SK14 6BB, İngiltere itibaren Broadbottom, Hyde SK14 6BB, İngiltere

Okuyucu Alicja Bytnar Bytnar itibaren Broadbottom, Hyde SK14 6BB, İngiltere

Alicja Bytnar Bytnar itibaren Broadbottom, Hyde SK14 6BB, İngiltere


Okumak biraz zor, ama buna değer.


This was a delightful, refreshing, and clever short story, and a hard SF love story at that! The alien life was intriguing and plausible, and I wanted to find out so much more about them. My only gripe is that their alienness was routinely undercut by their all-too casual dialogue. I know the intention was to depict that to each other, they would sound just like we sound to each other, but something just didn't work for me in the direct speech. Anyway, that's a really, really trivial quibble. I highly enjoyed this and would recommend it to anyone who likes hard SF or something very original and different.