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Şeytanın Eli - Jennifer McMahon Ephesus Yayınları indir

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West Hal’da insanlar gizemli bir şekilde ortadan kayboluyor ve bu vakalara dair kasabada çeşitli efsaneler dolaşıyordur. En tuhaf olaysa 1908 yılına dek uzanır. Sara Harison Shea, biricik kızının ölümünden birkaç ay sonra evinin arkasındaki tarlada ölü bulunur. Bugünse on dokuz yaşındaki Ruthie, anesi ve kız kardeşiyle birlikte Sara’nın evinde yaşamaktadır. Genç kızın anesi Alice, daima insanlardan uzak olmak konusunda ısrarcı bir tavır sergilemiştir. Ne var ki bu kararı, acı verici sonuçlara yol açar. Ruthie bir sabah uyandığında, anesinin kaybolduğunu fark eder. İpuçlarının peşine düşen genç kız, anesinin yatak odasındaki döşeme tahtalarının altına gizlenmiş bir kitap bulur. İçinde yazılanlar Sara Harison Shea’ya aitir. Ruthie bu tarihi gizemin içine çekildiğinde, anesini arayan tek kişinin kendisi olmadığını da fark eder. “Heyecanlı, gizemli ve korkutucu…” –USA Today “Klasik bir hayalet öyküsünde arayacağınız her şey bu kitapta. ” - Chris Bohjalian “Bu yılın en ürpertici romanlarından biri… İnsanı âdeta içine çekiyor. ” – The Miami Herald “Tüylerinizi ürpertecek bir hayalet hikâyesi. Şahsen evimin arkasındaki ormana bir daha asla aynı gözle bakamayacağımı söylemeliyim. ” —Heather Gudenkauf.

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Şeytanın Eli - Jennifer McMahon Ephesus Yayınları torrenti indir

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  • ISBN-10:
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  • boyutlar: Normal Boy
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  • Fiyat: 25,00 TL

Kitap eleştirileri

Şeytanın Eli - Jennifer McMahon


Now that I've read all 3 of the books of the Fuentes I can say that I absolutely love the Fuentes brothers! Luis is the good brother who knows what he wants how to get it. His story starts at the wedding of his older brother, Alex. There he meets Nikki and doesn't see her again until he has to go back to the place where he grew up. Being the good brother, makes Luis understand that he needs to stay away from gangs and get good grades but the more he explores and meets people the, more he gets closer to the dark side of the Fuentes brothers Despite having Luis as the good brother who doesn't get in trouble he still manages to have the appeal that his 2 older brothers did. Luis had grown in the south side of Fairfield but he had never been exposed to the gang. After returning everything seems like it has changed but it doesn't mean that everything has stopped. After Luis finds some things out he feels like he's been betrayed and does some very bad decisions. Nikki was different from Brittany and Kiara. After going through some hard stuff with a boy who just played with her, she is hesitant to trust any boy she meets. I loved how she refused to like any guy but at the same time you could see that she was scared that it would happen. She might have been a hard person to get to but knowing what she went through makes the reader more understanding of her. I loved seeing Alex and Carlos back in this book. You get to see how their lives are going after their story was finished. They are both now good boys who don't want to go back to the way they were but when they see that Luis is in some trouble they are willing to help him. And also, I loved seeing the chemistry teacher back in this one! I'm sad to see the stories of the Fuentes brothers end but I know I enjoyed reading all 3 books. Simone's books have something that makes me not want to stop reading them because I always want to know what happens next. I would definitely recommend this book and the first 2 to anyone!

2022-11-14 18:15

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