İstanbul Mayısta Bir Akşamdı-Selim İleri Everest Yayınları indir

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İstanbul Mayısta Bir Akşamdı-Selim İleri Everest Yayınları indir

İstanbul Mayısta Bir Akşamdı-Selim İleri Everest Yayınları ücretsiz indir

İstanbul Mayısta Bir Akşamdı-Selim İleri İstanbul Mayısta Bir Akşamdı - Selim İleri Bu kez en eskilere dönmek, en eskileri yazmak istiyorum. Kim bilir 1960’larda hangi gündü. Tarih, sanat, mimarî, süslemecilik konusunda hemen hiçbir şey bilmediğim halde, camin çinileri, kube pencerelerinden yansıyan ışıklar ortasında, rüyayı andırır bir etki bırakmıştı. O kadar çini ışıltısını, ancak çinilerde o kadar sır ışıltısına kavuşabilen narçiçeği kırmızısını, yeşili ve uçsuz bucaksız maviyi ilk kez görüyordum. Bence Selim İleri kırk yıldan beri emek verdiği edebiyat alanında mutfağından izbesine kadar evleri, sokakları, insanlarıyla, dünü bugünüyle İstanbul'u kucaklamış, her eseriyle biraz daha ustalaşmış, değerli bir İstanbul yazarıdır. İnci Enginün Selim İleri, İstanbul Kitaplığı’na kıymetli bir verim/cilt daha ekliyor….

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İstanbul Mayısta Bir Akşamdı-Selim İleri Everest Yayınları torrenti indir

  • Yazar:
  • Yayın tarihi:
  • kapak:
  • Dil:
  • ISBN-10:
  • ISBN-13:
  • boyutlar: Normal Boy
  • Ağırlık:
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  • Dizi:
  • sınıf:
  • Yaş:
  • Yazar:
  • Fiyat: 18,00 TL

Kitap eleştirileri

İstanbul Mayısta Bir Akşamdı-Selim İleri


It's no joke that Power Girl is one of the most confusing superhero stories out there. This novel was cool in that it had some of the older comics that attempted to explain her origins (1970's and 80's). The new update just made things more confusing. The overall story was good, a self-realization story on steroids. We learn why Power Girl has a big hole in her costume, and it's not because she's "lewd", but because she just doesn't know who she is and doesn't know what symbol to go with.

2022-11-14 18:12


A friend recommended this book to me and the cover's quote "Eerie and fascinating" is pretty spot on. A melancholy read.

2022-10-10 11:30


I really considered becoming a vegetarian after I read this book, but I don't think my blood type will allow for it - I try to buy organic instead.

2020-08-15 15:51


This is the first Sarah Dessen book I've read. I have no idea how me putting into words will really explain how great this book is, but I will try. This book grabbed my heart full force at the very beginning. I felt like I was reading Ruby's diary. Sarah Dessen's writing really makes you feel like you are in her character's world. This was such a fluid read that before I knew it I had read half the book in record time. I was so enthralled with the story, and at times I didn't think I could read anymore, only because my heart was breaking. Yes, this book made me cry, but it was the entirety of the story that made it such a happy read. You really get the moral of the story and it links through out the whole book. One word sums up this book for me, as it says in the book, FAMILY. I would recommend this book to ALL young adults, and even parents, Just EVERYONE. Not that this story hit home for me in all aspects, but it certainly did in a few. I was a trouble maker when I was Ruby's age. I had loving parents that supported me 100%. I took advantage of that, ditched school, did drugs, and drank alcohol. I am not proud of it, but I don't regret it either. I think it made me the strong woman I am today. What I do regret is putting my parents through the worry. Reading this, I saw what Jaime and Cora went through, physically and emotionally with Ruby at the beginning of her living with them. Ok, before I tell you all my life story in a review, I will just say that for my first read by Sarah Dessen, I LOVED IT! As a matter of fact, I went out and bought 4 more books by her. I am a fan!

2020-08-12 12:21

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İstanbul Mayısta Bir Akşamdı-Selim İleri Everest Yayınları torrenti indir

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