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Bana İkimizi Anlat - Ahmet Batman Destek Yayınları indir

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Bana İkimizi Anlat - Ahmet Batman Bana İkimizi Anlat - Ahmet Batman “Soğuk Kahve” ve “Sabah Uykum” yazarından       “Yaşanması mümkünken yaşanmayan her aşk gün gelir bizden bunun hesabını sorar. ”   Adamlık, bir kadını bir ömür sevmekten geçer. Kadınlık da kendini bir ömür sevecek adamın değerini bilmektir. Kimin için yaratıldığını bilmiyorsun elbete ama bu hikâyenin başrolü sensin. Aşkı senin, acısı senin. Kimse içinde kopan fırtınaları anlamaz, anlamak zorunda da değil zaten. İnsanlar hep konuşur çünkü hayat senin, tasası onlarındır.   Her şeye rağmen bilmediğim bir hikâyenin başrolünü oynuyorum. Sonu nereye gider beli değil, seveceğim kaç şarkı kaldı bilmiyorum. Herkes gibi, her şeyden habersiz yaşıyorum. Ne zaman karşıma çıkarsın, hangi şarkıda ilk dansımızı ederiz hiçbir fikrim yok. Ayrıntılara takılmaya gerek yok belki de. Hikâyeme katıldığın gün sarılır konuşuruz bunları.  .

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Bana İkimizi Anlat - Ahmet Batman Destek Yayınları torrenti indir

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  • Dil: Türkçe
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  • boyutlar: Normal Boy
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Kitap eleştirileri

Bana İkimizi Anlat - Ahmet Batman


I was warned Ender's Game would mess with my mind. Obviously, I didn't take these warnings to heart, since I got within the last thirty pages and started flailing with realisation. The end is a nice twist. If you go through the story complacently, if you identify with Ender and see things the way he does, it comes out of completely nowhere. But it also makes sense and works and is good, and I don't think I've read a better ending for a book in quite a while. Ender, as a character, is pretty likeable despite his darker side. I loved the fact that his brother and sister had such an effect on him, and I loved that he and Valentine ended up in the same place again in the end. The last chapter feels quite rushed, but it does show us Ender growing up and changing, and presumably bridges to other books in the series. I don't know whether I want to read more right now, but I'll definitely pick the other books up if I see them on the shelves. Other characters, such as Bean and Petra and Alai, were quite in the background, but I kind of wanted to know more about them, too. One of my friends credits this book with changing his life. I wouldn't say it's been a life-changer for me, but it's very good sci-fi and very interesting and you could also have moral debates about a lot of it. Good book for discussion, I think.

2022-11-14 18:07


well i knew this book would be great from the get go as few names are as revered and mentioned in world literature as that of Fyodor Dostoevsky. well this book makes a very bold statement by being named "The Best Short Stories of Fyodor Dostoevsky" now i must admit i havent read much of his work but have heard great things of both his novels and short stories but after having read this,bear in mind i say this with the limited knowledge of his short stories, it is exactly what it claims to be. i at first was very hesitant to read as i heard alot about Dostoevksy before reading any of his work and i always heard it was very confusing and complicated and not the easiest reading material but now after reading it beside one story that i absolutely disliked which is what kept me from giving this amazing book 5 stars and i dont think i have to name the story as im sure many who read it will know the one im speaking of. it starts of with for me what is the best story in this book "White Nights" such an amazing story as i wasnt expecting it to be such an emotionally driven story it made many a good point frankly so good that it hurt as i related far too much to the character and his situation but his last line was one of the greatest ever spoken by any character at least in my opinion. the following 3 stories are...well 2 of them are absolutely fantastic stories as well but were for me eclipsed by the final 3 stories which were all works of art, firstly this trio of masterful writing is spear headed by the phenomenal(again in my opinion) "Notes From The Underground" i never thought i would find this book as delightfully funny as i did nor did i expect it to be an ironic criticism on two very common approaches to life the ignorant and the aware is how i best describe it in my opinion but while it taking the point of view of the "aware" man it also paints him as a very faulted figure who very vaguely realizes his faults but buries them by exaggerating those of the people around him. that is all i shall say as i wish to not give too much away on this absolute beautiful work. then the touching and beautiful "A Gentle Creature" which i must admit left me a bit confused in the end but how beautifully it was written and the dilemma presented in such a perfectly described and humane way with two characters that are so identifiable whether we are like that at the moment we read it or not we have at one point felt like one of these two characters which i feel doesnt come from the characters themselves but the words Dostoevsky puts in their mouth. then finally "The Dream of a Ridiculous Man" which is such an excursion into human nature and morality and society that normally you'd need something as thick as an atlas to just begin to scratch the surface on these topic but Dostoevsky so wonderfully and masterfully gets his point across and plants the seed in your mind which leads to what all the greatest authors achieve self inspection and the exploring of our minds and souls. independently any of these short stories are enough to be bought in individual printings but this book is an amazing treat we in the english speaking world very rarely get, a compendium of amazing short stories by such a wonderful russian author so if there is one collection of short stories i would recommend as a must own it is this one as it has anything and everything a human needs or at least what i needed so for me that is enough to treasure this book and reread it many many times.

2020-09-13 00:36

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